Youth Grab & Go Craft Kits
Parents! Need crafts for your children? Never fear, the library is here! Stop by any of our library locations to pick up your Grab & Go craft kit to complete at home. We're pairing a brief instructional video featuring one of our youth staff along with a free take-home supply kit, available while supplies last. Kits are fully assembled and ready to pick up. These kits are appropriate for ages 12 and under, though kids younger than 5 years old will need an adult helper.
July 1: Youth Grab & Go - Bottle Cork Boats
Previous Videos
Latest "Kid Stuff" Video
June 17: Rainbow Books for Pride Month
Previous Videos
- December 15: Got Snow?
- November 15: Native American Heritage Month
- October 27: Halloween 2021 - Scary Stories & More
- September 16: Talk Like a Pirate Day
- August 20: Back to School Storytime
- June 21: Celebrate Pride 2021
- May 11: Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- April 29: Storytime with Miss Alex
- April 22: Earth Day - Birds in the Garden!
- April 22: Virtual Toddlertime with Miss Melissa
- April 15: Babytime with Miss Noelle
- April 8: Familytime with Miss Meghan
- April 5: National Library Week
- March 23-29: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 8 - Off to School
- March 23: Women's History Month - featuring stories & crafts!
- March 16-22: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 7 - Self-Directed and Engaged Learning
- March 9-15: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 6 - Taking on Challenges
- March 2-8: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 5 - Critical Thinking
- March 1: Horton Hears a Who Outreach Story & Craft with Noëlle
- February 23-March 1: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 4 - Making Connections
- February 23: Black History Month Storytime
- February 16-22: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 3 - Communicating
- February 9-15: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 2 - Perspective Taking
- February 2-8: Grow, Play, Learn! Week 1 - Focus and Self-Control
- January 16: LIBCON West @ Home - Pirate Stew Storytime with the Dread Fleet
Virtual Book Buddies
Virtual Book Buddies is a volunteer initiative at the Glendale Public Library in which teens submit videos of themselves reading aloud selected picture books for volunteer credit.
Click here to watch our Book Buddies videos.
Please be aware that Virtual Book Buddies ended after April 30, 2021. Please consider one of our other volunteering options.

Hey, kids! Ever wish you could have a story read to you at any time? YOU CAN! Call the new Storyline each week to hear a new story read aloud by our storytelling squad! Call 623-930-3600 and select option 7.
Missed a week or want to read the story again?
Click here to check out the books we read throughout the year.

Follow the path, follow the story! Glendale Public Library has three StoryWalks® for you to enjoy.
During the parks' opening hours, you can stop by the
Foothills Park Playground (19073 N. 57th Ave., Glendale, AZ 85308), the
Heroes Regional Park (6075 N. 83rd Ave., Glendale, AZ 85303) or the
Main Library Xeriscape Demonstration Garden (5959 W. Brown St, Glendale, AZ 85302). Start the StoryWalk® in the park and finish it at the doors of the library.
Missed a StoryWalk® or want to read the story again?
Find previous StoryWalk® titles in the library catalog.
StoryWalk® promotes health and literacy for children and combines the pleasures of reading a children’s book with the joys and benefits of being together outdoors. It’s a fun, educational activity for everyone. The story changes every three months, so you can come back and visit again.
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.
This project is supported by the Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.