You can place a hold request via the online catalog by calling 623-930-3600 and speaking to a member of staff, or by asking at a library service desk at any of our locations. When speaking with staff on the phone, you must have your library barcode number from the back of your library card.
To place holds online, follow the instructions below.
Visit the online catalog or use the search bar at the top of this website. Make sure the "search catalog" button is selected.
2. Search for your item. When you find your book, movie, video game, audiobook or CD, click on "Place a Request" on the right side of the screen.
3. You will be prompted to enter your barcode (the number from the back of your library card) and PIN (usually the last four numbers of your phone number).
4. Click "Log In."
5. Change your preferred pickup location and/or the hold activation date if desired.
6. Click "Submit Request."
7. You will see a confirmation that your request has been placed.
Most items in the library can be requested. Magazines, reference materials and Culture Passes cannot be placed on hold.
Please allow 24-72 hours for a checked-in item that is placed on hold to be ready for pickup. You can also check on the status of a hold request by logging in to your online
library account.
You will receive a notification by email or text message when your hold is ready for pickup. If you do not pick up your hold within 7 days of this notification, the item will be re-shelved or held for another patron.
You can have a maximum of 15 hold requests on your account at any one time. You may have a maximum of three holds on Backpacks/Kits or Launchpads at any one time.
If an item is being held for you, please contact the holding library location to cancel the hold.
If the hold has not arrived, you can
log in to your account and cancel the hold.